Resolution 5-14

Resolution regarding police body cameras

WHEREAS, recent events across the country, including Ferguson, MO, have highlighted a need for police to wear body cameras to shed light on incidents where ambiguity may otherwise exist.

WHEREAS, students across the Indiana University system have engaged in discussions around the recent events, some included dialogue between students and police departments. (

WHEREAS, IUPUI Chief of Police Bob True has informed IUPUI student governance that any proposal for body cameras on police would need to be made at the University level.

WHEREAS, AUSA is the university-wide student governance group, and is therefore uniquely qualified to tackle this university-wide issue.

WHEREAS, Bloomington Police Department just recently started issuing personal video cameras, or body cameras, to officers (

WHEREAS, IMPD is already testing body cameras. (

WHEREAS, localities across the state are already testing and implementing body cameras on police officers.

WHEREAS, Indiana University can look to a plethora of police departments for guidance on feasibility and implementation of body cameras.

WHEREAS, President Obama has requested that Congress authorize $263 Million for police body cameras and training. (

WHEREAS, This program is the product of a series of meetings with President Obama, law enforcement personnel, civil rights leaders and Cabinet officials to discuss possible reforms to ease mistrust towards police. (

THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED, the AUSA supports the adoption of body cameras on all IU law enforcement personnel as soon as feasible.

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