Resolution 1-14

Resolution regarding AUSA purpose and mission

WHEREAS, the All University Student Association (AUSA) is composed of the student body presidents of every campus, and represents the entirety of the Student Body of Indiana University;

WHEREAS, AUSA exists as a mechanism to express issues of concern of the Indiana University Student Body to the Board of Trustees, University Administration, University Faculty Council, Governor, General Assembly, and other necessary governmental and private agencies;

WHEREAS, AUSA recognizes that decisions made by the Board of Trustees and University Administration concerning university-wide policies and initiatives affect students;

WHEREAS, the student voice should be duly considered in university-level decision-making; and

WHEREAS, AUSA should more proactively represent the voice of the Student Body and define student needs in a tangible and comprehensive manner;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the All University Student Association and the students of Indiana University that—

The All University Student Association will henceforward regularly consider and promulgate Resolutions to represent the student voice of the entire Indiana University Student Body. AUSA Resolutions shall fulfill several purposes, including but not limited to:

  1. Reacting to university-wide policies, initiatives, and decisions that affect students;
  2. Advocating for common, cross-campus student needs and issues; and
  3. Promoting university-wide policies that, accounting for the variance in campus cultures and missions, guarantee common minimum standards for services benefiting student welfare.

AUSA retains the right to speak on any other matters pertaining to student interests and welfare.

AUSA Resolutions deserve serious consideration by the Board of Trustees, University Administration, and University Faculty Council. The relevant university body or subsidiary body should respond to the student voice, as expressed in AUSA Resolutions.

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