Police Power to Designated Officers & Authority of Indiana University Police to Serve Civil Process
- Police Power to Designated Officers (April 24, 1971)
- Authority of Indiana University Police to Serve Civil Process (August 2, 1983)
- Both updated December 5, 2013
WHEREAS, House Bill 1358 (being 1C 1971, 20-12, Chapter 3.5) has been enacted by the 1971 General Assembly of the State of Indiana and signed into law by Governor Edgar D. Whitcomb on March 30, 1971 becoming an effective Act as of that date by virtue of an emergency provision; and
WHEREAS, said Act authorizes The Trustees of Indiana University to appoint police officers for Indiana University, prescribe their duties, direct their conduct, prescribe distinctive uniforms and designate and operate emergency vehicles, and to do other things specified therein; and
WHEREAS, said Act authorizes The Trustees of Indiana University to prescribe the form and manner by which these officers shall take an appropriate oath of office; and
WHEREAS, said Act authorizes The Trustees of Indiana University to regulate the traffic and parking of motor vehicles, bicycles or other vehicles as well as the traffic of pedestrians on the property of the University; and
WHEREAS, said Act authorizes The Trustees of Indiana University to empower one or more officials of the University to request the assistance of peace officers of the State, of counties, and of cities and towns, when it appears necessary to do so; and
WHEREAS, said Act is now effective because an emergency exists and The Trustees of Indiana University desire to immediately implement such Act on the several campuses and other property of Indiana University, and upon such other property as is authorized with the consent of others, all as provided in such Act,
NOW, THEREFORE, The Trustees of Indiana University do hereby direct and authorize the President of Indiana University and such officers and employees of Indiana University as may be designated by him, to take such action and issue such directives as may be necessary and convenient to carry out the authority granted The Trustees of Indiana University by such Act, such delegation being authorized by 1C 1971, 20-12-l-i| (Formerly Acts 1969, C.273, s. 4).
Unanimously approved, on motion duly made and seconded.